Paths Improvement Project – free gates for landowners

The Council has agreed a budget for an innovative new scheme to improve footpaths around the Parish by helping landowners replace stiles and inaccessible footpaths. Those with mobility issues and older walkers are discouraged from regular exercise and improvements to their well-being by the difficulties they face with stiles, along with those with dogs or pushchairs.

Pensax Parish Council will offer every local landowner the opportunity to replace and upgrade their stiles to become accessible gates by providing a replacement metal, galvanised, BS5709:2018-compliant gate. This can be installed by the Parish Lengthman.

Engaged landowners are also offered trailhead waste bins, small signage, and information boards – education for the responsible path user.

signWe hope these gates will open the network for responsible path users.


Pensax parish landowners, please contact the
