Pensax Rights of Way

Rights of Way are the responsibility of both Worcester County Council and the landowners.

The network of paths and bridleways needs constant attention to keep it working well and accessible for all.

Where there is a problem, often the local Parish Paths Warden, who is a volunteer appointed by Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Public Rights of Way, can assist in the maintenance and improvement of the Public Rights of Way network within their allocated area.

Issues can be damaged stiles, blocked footpaths, broken bridges or just unsafe paths. You can help get them fixed sooner by

  • Taking pictures of the issue
  • Provide a detailed description of the issue
  • Give a precise location (see how below)
  • Make a note of the footpath number.

You can use to find the footpath number and location or

Please then send to the Parish Path Warden

Stu Meese

Stu Meese

Pensax Parish Paths Warden

Stu is an avid walker, both with and without the dog.

A mountain leader with a love of maps and wild spaces he has led walks and expeditions but loves experiencing the changes of the seasons in the paths and tracks of home just as much.

Help turn this into a useable stile with clear signage. We are always happy to have help on working parties and to tackle problem areas.

Parish Walks

Please find a collection of parish walks.

We hope to add to this collection with more circular, accessible and linear walks.
